Tag Archives: bar

A girl walked into a bar…

I parked and scanned the area for men.

Three that I’d have to walk through to get inside.

I’m uncomfortable but not ready to fight.


I walk in, scan the room.

My boyfriend isn’t there.

I am alone.

I sit down to make the call- “Where are you?”

No answer.

I call his friend… Who is at home asleep.

Meanwhile my throat gets tighter and tighter. 

He calls back as I leave.


I am angry. I’m ready to fight. 

And all they did was look at me as I walked in and out.


This is an exact event that happened tonight. It triggered me. I was scared and angry and hurt for being left alone. It was a miscommunication. But that one event sent me home crying and googling how to cope with PTSD triggers. My boyfriend still doesn’t completely understand, I don’t think. He was all like, “But you did it and you’re fine! That should be a good thing! I don’t get why it’s such a big deal.” I know it was a complete miscommunication and accident, but unexpected exposure when alone and outnumbered is borderline cruel.